Commercial Security & Outdoor Lighting, hartford CT
Outdoor Lighting & Security
By dispelling shadows around parking lots, adjacent landscapes, walkways, and building wall areas, you can minimize the risk of criminal invasion, burglary, or violent attack. This does not have to cost a lot to effectively accomplish, either. Large levels of light are not really necessary for outdoor security. The human eye adjusts to darkness and actually magnifies the amount of physical light present. This is known as “perceived light.” Outdoor security lights need only create enough perceived light to eliminate dark pockets of shadow, thus making the ground and surrounding structures clearly visible from all angles. This will enable any on duty security personnel to quickly spot an intruder, and it will also provide enough light for on-duty staff to see intruders who might attempt to approach them.
The most important element of outdoor security lighting in commercial environments is light distribution. Because office buildings and office parks tend to have more structural variance than the typical residence, it is necessary to make certain that, regardless of lighting levels, all surfaces are adequately lit and that there is plenty of vertical light shining on the sides of walls, buildings, fences, walls, and other outdoor structures. By comprehensively lighting the grounds with at least some level of light, cost effective outdoor security lighting can provide a first line of defense against criminal mischief.
It is also vital to use specification grade outdoor lighting fixtures and floodlights whenever you install a security lighting system. Glare and light pollution are strictly limited by law in most cities, and neighboring residents do not want light shining in their windows during all hours of the night. You can minimize glare and light pollution by installing fixtures that are shielded and directed downward. This helps to create a self-contained field of luminance that keeps the building and property well-lit but prevents the light from spilling into the rest of the neighborhood.
To learn more about our commercial security and outdoor lighting services, contact T&T Electrical today at 860-296-6967!

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