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Go Green With our Green Living Tips
You’ve heard the expression “the earth is shrinking”? Usually that’s a reference to a more global economy, instant internet and email access to anywhere in the world, and so on. More importantly, the earth’s supply of natural resources is shrinking, too. And in some instances, at alarming rates.
At T&T Electrical, our purpose is to enlighten, not frighten. And have you join us in helping to “green up” Connecticut as an example for the rest of the country to follow.
We hope you find these green living tips useful, and we encourage you to send us green living practices and ideas of your own so we can share them with others.
Here’s a list of ideas on how to save some “green” by going green with your home’s plumbing.
Install a New Hot Water Heater
Insulate Your Pipes
Install Chlorine Filters on Showerheads
Remove Plumbing from Exterior Walls
Install a Whole House Water Filtration System
Install a Home Leak Monitoring Device
Install an On-Demand Hot Water Circulation Pump
These pumps send hot water to your fixtures in a matter of seconds, saving you money on two fronts. For starters, you won’t lose heat as hot water unnecessarily sits unused in the pipes, and since you won’t have to run water at the faucet while you wait for hot water to arrive, you’ll reduce your water usage, as well.
Install Low-Flush Toilets
Flushing your toilet accounts for the single biggest water draw in your home, to the tune of about 28 gallons of water per person, per day. A typical low-flush toilet uses anywhere from two to five times less water per flush, depending on the toilet you presently have installed.
Heating & Cooling Tips
Set Your Thermostat at 78°
Programmable Thermostats
Keep Curtains Closed
Longer Run Times
Avoid Using Appliances
Unblock Airflow
Service HVAC System Annually
Keep Plants Aways From Units
Electrical Tips
Use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
Use compact fluorescent bulbs in lamps that you keep turned on for at least one hour per day. Fluorescent bulbs are 6-8 times more energy-efficient than incandescent bulbs and last 10-20 times longer.
Use Standby Mode
Unplug Devices from Outlets
Go Around Your Home & Unplug Devices
Go around your home and unplug devices you haven’t used in the past month. Even if they aren’t turned on, they probably use some juice just to stay warm.
Use Cold Water When Cleaning
Avoid Using Appliances
Use a Microwave Oven or Toaster Oven
Use a microwave oven or toaster oven when cooking small items. They use less energy and they don’t require preheating. The approximate yearly cost to use ovens of various types is:
Electric Oven: $27
Toaster Oven: $14
Gas Oven: $13
Convection/Toaster Oven: $10
Microwave Oven: $5
Purchase a whole-house Power Saver

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